夜はそのママ友が卒論のテーマにしたという『ドライビング Miss デイジー』を見た。前半に、墓場で白人の老婦人が黒人のドライバーに名前の綴りを教えるシーンが出てくる。黒人のドライバー (Hoke) は文盲なので、Bauerさんの墓にツツジの花束を置いてくれ、という老婦人 (Miss Daisy) の言いつけを実行に移すことができない。

Miss Daisy: I toId you it's two rows over that way. It says ''Bauer'' on the headstone.
Hoke: What's that look like?
Miss Daisy: What are you talking about?
Hoke: I'm talking about I can't read, ma'am.
Miss Daisy: What?
Hoke: I can't read, Miss Daisy.
Miss Daisy: You look at the paper all the time.
Hoke: Well, that's just it. I just be looking! I try to dope out what's going on... from the pictures.
Miss Daisy: You know your letters?
Hoke: Yes, ma'am. I know my ABC's. I just can't read.
Miss Daisy: Stop saying that! You're making me mad! If you know your letters, then you can read. You just don't know you can read. I taught some of the stupidest children God ever put on this earth. And they all could read enough to find a name on a tombstone. The name is ''Bauer.'' ''Bauer! '' What does that ''buh'' letter sound like?
Hoke: B?
Miss Daisy: Of course! ''Er.'' That is the last part. ''Bauer! '' What letter sounds like ''er''?
Hoke: R!
Miss Daisy: So the first letter is....
Hoke: B!
Miss Daisy: And the last letter?
Hoke: R!
Miss Daisy: B-R. ''B''-''er.'' It even sounds like Bauer, doesn't it?
Hoke: It sure do, Miss Daisy! It sure do! That it?
Miss Daisy: That's it.
Hoke: We won't worry about the middle?
Miss Daisy: Not right now. This will be enough for you to find it. Go on, now.
Hoke: B at the beginning. R at the end. B...R. That's it. That's all right! Miss Daisy.
Miss Daisy: Yes?
Hoke: I sure do appreciate this!
Miss Daisy: Don't be ridiculous! I didn't do anything!
